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Fairy Godmother Funds “truly allowed us to help rebuild lives"

Program Manager Eddie Velez

This past year, the Bert Nash Center’s Supportive Housing Team used Fairy Godmother Funds to help six women with living expenses, including two cases that Program Manager Eddie Velez said, “truly allowed us to help rebuild lives."

One client’s belongings were destroyed in a house fire that was set by someone outside of the building. Her entire apartment, personal items, and a refrigerator full of food (she’d gone grocery shopping the previous day) were completely destroyed. While displaced and living in a hotel room, we assisted her in replacing as many of the lost items as possible, particularly the months’ worth of groceries she’d purchased in addition to toiletries and other items. Fortunately, the Supportive Housing Team was able to help her find a new apartment within one month.

Another client came to us following an extended period of homelessness where she was trafficked. She moved into our program with no resources and not much more than the clothing she had on. She spent 10 months living at Transitions and working with us to obtain resources and develop coping skills to get to a place where she felt she could live independently. After 10 months, we were able to secure subsidized housing for her and assisted her in purchasing the items she needed for her new apartment and new life.

“We say it every year,” Eddie said, “the impact and importance of these funds cannot be overstated.”

Thank you, Fairy Godmother Fund and Douglas County Community Foundation!

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