My name is Beth, or Miss Beth as kids like to call me, and I work as a Client Care Specialist in the Child and Family department. I have just celebrated my 10-year anniversary of working here at Bert Nash.

My job is so very important to me and the Center. No matter what happens: be it snowstorms, freezing temperatures, tornadoes, or a life altering global pandemic, my position is essential to the center being open to help people in need and my team and I are always here to offer that help.
My favorite part is the children and families I form relationships with. I never grow tired of kids showing me their new haircut, the tooth that they lost at school that day, or what they got for their birthday. My desk is covered in little gifts or notes that the children have given me, and those simple gestures of playfulness and friendliness make me so happy. These children are incredible! They can always come in and turn a bad day into an amazing one and I value those moments so much. I can only hope that my presence here has made an impact, even in a small way, in their lives. For they have impacted my life in so many ways and I can’t think of any job that I would rather do!